Valley Membership Achievement Program
The intent of VMAP is to help each Valley carry out its service to the Scottish Rite by providing the very best experience for its members. VMAP is essentially a working checklist for Valley's to use to make sure that all aspects of Scottish Rite requirements are broken into the following 6 specific subject areas which cover the full scope of the Scottish Rite experience:
- Membership Retention & Engagement
- Member Restoration & Reinstatement
- Membership Recruitment
- Reunion Experience
- Community Involvement
- Valley Organizations
In the past, Valleys interacted with VMAP through a downloadable PDF Workbook. But the new VMAP online system provides easy access to VMAP on virtually ANY device while also allowing a Valley to work on and track progress throughout the year.⯠Valleys also now have access to an Online Resource Guide- a searchable database of successful VMAP initiatives and tools, a VMAP Workbook Archive- an online library of completed VMAP Workbooks from previous years, and ongoing monthly VMAP Best Practices training, which will support and enhance a Valley's VMAP efforts.
Want to use the PDF/ Legacy version of VMAP?
Contact Membership Services at 202-777-3162 or membership@scottishrite.org
For information email: vmap@scottishrite.org