The Knights of St. Andrew (KSA) are made of an elite unit of select Scottish Rite Masons. They exist as a service organization on behalf of all members of their Consistory. They are under the immediate supervision of the Secretary of their Scottish Rite Consistory and provide services where they are needed. This includes, but is not limited to, aiding the Tylers, acting as greeters, providing escort services for dignitaries or for special events created for the ladies during reunions or other functions, serving as guides, assisting the Scottish Rite degree work, and helping present the Colors. The KSA also assist in the calling committees, participate in parades or civic activities, promote fund-raising events, and aid in any special occasion. The list can continue as new ideas and concepts are developed to meet needs and goals.
The Valley of New Bern, KSA, was first chartered in November 2009. Their flexibility and enthusiasm make the Knights of St. Andrew one of the Valley's most active and desirable organizations. It is an excellent way to nurture and develop future leaders as they learn their organizational and leadership skills, explore the inner structures of their Scottish Rite Centers, and thus gain a more profound admiration for our Order and Brethren who work in Freemasonry as a whole.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the KSA, please contact the Secretary.
Bill Sanford Fred Whitty Billy Ray Askew Wayne Cox Esteban Gonzalez |
Sam Gilliland Dustin Wood Sam Brewington Ed Shannon Tim Harris |
The Valley of New Bern reestablished its KSA chapter in conjunction with its Spring Reunion. A KSA Chapter was chartered in 2010 and was not rescinded when the chapter disolved several years ago. A core team rewrote the chapter bylaws which General Secretary Johnny Surles and Personal Rep Asa Buck approved at the March LOP meeting. The team then continued to organize the chapter, recruit new and legacy members, and held an inaugural meeting on the evening of Thursday 14 March at the old New Bern Scottish Rite auditorium. Members knighted that evening from Left to right are: Bill Sanford, Fred Whitty, Billy Ray Askew, Wayne Cox, Esteban Gonzalez, Sam Gilliland, Dustin Wood, Mark Brewington, Ed Shannon and Tim Harris. Johnny Surles General Secretary and Russ Bauer Assistant Secretary were also in attendance. The KSA supported the Reunion throughout the weekend during which they formed an Honor Guard for Ill Gene Cobb SGIG.Who are the Knights of Saint Andrew
The Knights of Saint Andrew (K.S.A.) is an honorary service group within the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. This organization primarily consists of 32° Scottish Rite Masons "Black Caps" The K.S.A. serves multiple functions within the Scottish Rite, including but not limited to:
- Service: Members of the Knights of Saint Andrew offer their services to assist with various functions, events, and activities of the Scottish Rite. They often serve as the welcoming committee for new members, help with degree work, and support the general operations of their Valleys.
- Leadership Development: The K.S.A. provides opportunities for members to develop and demonstrate leadership skills within the Scottish Rite community. Members often take on roles that prepare them for future positions of responsibility within the Masonic organization.
- Fellowship: The group fosters a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood among its members, providing a social network that strengthens the bonds between Masons.
- Masonic Education: The K.S.A encourages the study of Freemasonry in general and the Scottish Rite in particular, promoting Masonic knowledge and education among its members.
- Charitable Activities: Like other Masonic bodies, the Knights of Saint Andrew engage in various charitable activities, supporting causes both within and outside the Masonic community.
The structure and specific activities of the Knights of Saint Andrew can vary by Valley, with each group tailoring its efforts to the needs of its members and the local Scottish Rite body. The K.S.A. is known for its distinctive regalia, which includes a Glengarry bonnet in replacement of the traditional "Black Cap" and a sash, symbols of Scottish heritage, reflecting the Scottish Rite's origins.
Knights of Saint Andrew, Valley of New Bern
The Knights of Saint Andrew in the Valley of New Bern serve as THE service organization under the Scottish Rite's Southern Jurisdiction. This group consists of 32° Scottish Rite Masons in good standing, focusing on service within their Consistory. They assist in various capacities, including acting as greeters, providing escort services, aiding Scottish degree work, and participating in parades and fundraising events. The K.S.A. aims to develop leadership skills and deepen members' appreciation for Freemasonry. Membership is open to 32° Masons through a unanimous vote process, with specific participation requirements for becoming a Knight.
The K.S.A. is not intended to be a social club for 32° Scottish Rite masons. We were founded with the intent of being THE service organization within the Scottish Rite. While we do have fun working at events, our primary duty is to support the Valley and work under the direction of the Valley Secretary.
To become a member of the K.S.A. you must be a 32° Scottish Rite mason in good standing (KCCH and 33° honorees cannot be voting members) and have a desire to help out in the Valley.
You must complete the petition for membership. The completed petition is voted on by the K.S.A. Chapter, and if selected, you will be accepted as a Squire. After fulfilling the participation requirements prescribed by the Chapter for one year you will be eligible to be initiated as a Knight at our next initiation ceremony.
Minimum participation requirements for Knights are similar and you should expect to assist in active participation in Reunions, Valley, and K.S.A. Chapter meetings and cleanup days will be required to maintain your membership after you become a Knight.
We understand that you cannot always attend all the meetings and reunions due to religious, familial, work, and Blue Lodge commitments but we expect you to make an effort to attend all Valley functions possible.
If you cannot attend a function let the Knight Commander know. This way we can have an idea of the number of knights attending an event and can effectively plan resources.
History of the Knights of Saint Andrew
In early 1993 the late, Ill. Weldon Good, 33rd of the Tulsa Valley in Oklahoma saw a need for assistance during reunions. He also noticed that Masons were joining the Scottish Rite but not returning to help and participate in subsequent reunions. To rectify this, he developed the organization now known as the KNIGHTS OF SAINT ANDREW as a service group for the valley.
The by-laws stated that the Knights of Saint Andrew are a "Black Cap" group. A member who receives the honor of KCCH – Knights Commander of the Court of Honor – cannot hold an office or vote but they can continue to work and assist. The main duties of the Knights of Saint Andrew were and are to assist, as needed, during a reunion and to be available to the Valley's General Secretary for any assigned duties.
Finding that the Knights of Saint Andrew worked so well in the Tulsa Valley, Brother Good offered, with the approval of the SGIG, to Charter K.S.A. Chapters in the Valleys of Guthrie and McAlester. That was done in October 1993 and early 1994 respectively.
On that day in October 1993, there were over sixty Guthrie Scottish Rite members ready to join the Knights. When they were told that they would have to work and that only Black Caps could join, half of them left the room and the Tulsa Chapter initiated 32 Charter members of the Guthrie Knights of St. Andrew.
In Guthrie, the Knights of Saint Andrew Chapter has flourished and celebrated its twentieth anniversary in 2013. Over the years they have had many assignments during reunions, some of which have become permanent; hanging Degree Banners in the atrium; arranging registration tables; and setting up for the two banquets with tables and chairs -plus clearing the tables and trash at the conclusion.
The Guthrie Knights assist with the Grand Opening of each reunion. Attired in kilts and Glenn Gharries, accompanied by pipers, they carry and post the banners of each Lodge, the Scottish Rite Banner, and the ceremonial swords. Following this, they escort the Masters of each Lodge, the Valley's General Secretary, the Grand Master of Oklahoma Masons, the SGIG of Oklahoma, and any visiting SGIGs. At the conclusion of the 32nd Degree, Knights assist in the closing by retiring the swords and leading the Degree Team from the auditorium.
They set up the reception awards for the 50-year membership cap presentation and escort the honorees and their family members to the ballroom as they arrive.
The night before the start of a Reunion, the Guthrie Knights of Saint Andrew set up the registration area, hang banners and flags in the Atrium, and arranged signs and displays. Knights also assist in the greeting of candidates, act as runners for the office staff, and drive golf carts to assist attendees from the parking area to the building.
During each reunion, on Friday evening, The Guthrie Knights initiate new members. A candlelight procession consisting of Bagpipers, the initiation team in kilts, candidates, and members marches through the halls of the Scottish Rite Center. The only light comes from the candles held by the initiates. They all walk the length of the building, across the Atrium, and into the Egyptian Room- the smaller auditorium where the initiation ritual is performed. The wives and other family members are invited to view the ceremonies.
There is no "official" headquarters or central authority of the Knights of St. Andrew⦠no uniform⦠no required procedures or prescribed ritual. The attire and regalia vary from one Chapter to another. Most Chapters have adopted the insignia developed by the Guthrie Chapter for their recognition lapel pin and badge.
As one Chapter becomes established, the idea spreads and they charter additional Chapters. Each Chapter is as unique as the needs of their individual Valley. This was seen as Knights from across the country converged on Guthrie in April 2012 for the 1st National Gathering of the Knights of St. Andrew. Each Knight brought a unique perspective to share with the others.
From the small beginnings of three Chapters in Oklahoma thirty-one years ago where have the Knights of Saint Andrew grown? ...Across both, the Southern & Northern Jurisdiction, and from coast to coast.
Some Chapters have elected to use the names, Order of the Thistle, or Scots Guards, but all Chapters have the same basic structure and purpose – an organization of and for Black Cap Scottish Rite Masons designed to assist with and give service to their Valley.
Currently, in the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction, there are 161 Valleys with Knights of Saint Andrew Chapters. Plus 4 Dark. In the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, there are 28 Chapters. (as of 3/18/2022)
For more information, you can go to the below links.
Download Petition to join the KSA
Petition is due back with all fees totaling $200.00 for new members and Legacy members are only required to complete the petition and pay $50 dues for the year.
KSA Point of Contact:
Dustin M. Wood
Knight of the Seal
Knights of Saint Andrew
Valley of New Bern
"In absentia lucis, Tenebrae vincunt"