Reunions 2023 Summer Reunion at SOAR Orientwide H. Lloyd Wilkerson Class of 33 initiates inducted 7 new members into our Valley. The Valley of New Bern was honored to perform the 18th Degree and ill Thomas Wilkerson son of the Honoree was a member of the degree team. Congratulations to our new members 2023 Spring Reunion Ill. Garland Smith 33 Reunion Honoree with Class Candidates Ill. Garland Smith 33 Reunion Honoree and his family Orient of NC Deputy Ill. Gene Cobb 33 addresses attendees at Reunion Luncheon Ill. Garland Smith 33 Reunion Honoree addresses attendees ar Dinner Valley Personal Representative Ill Asa Buck III 33 congratulates Reunion Honoree Ill Garland Smith Class Spokesmen Scott Lovvorn Left too Right Ill Asa Buck PR; Ill Gene Cobb Orient Deputy; Ill Garland Smith Honoree; Ill Johnny Surles General Secretary